. When we informed you that we're also investing greatly in our latest email incorporation products, we were serious. So to make area for our extended email integration selection, we've transformed the title Salesforce App for Perspective to Super for Perspective. See even more of Salesforce in much less room. In View 2016, Super for Perspective now seems as a part screen, which makes the most of up and down room and increases your sales repetitions' knowledge. This feature is obtainable in both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Common. Sales reps can right now relate specific Outlook activities to relevant Salesforce records.

Unfortunately, Mac users can't use Salesforce for Outlook as it is only supported for Windows users. However, you have the option of using Lightning for Outlook. This is available for both Windows as well as Mac users.

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Mac users need integration to Outlook (add email, create case, and contact, calendar, task syncing). Please only comment or vote for the above features. To download the application, login to salesforce.com and click the 'Setup' link in the top of your salesforce.com screen, then click on 'Desktop Integration' under the 'Personal Setup' category, the click on 'Connect for Microsoft Outlook'. This blog will help you to integrate Outlook and Salesforce with the help of Lightning for Outlook. When you integrate Outlook and Salesforce, this will invest less energy entering information and flipping between the two frameworks.

This feature is available in both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Vintage. We've made life easier for your repetitions when it arrives to finding their Salesforce information while working with email and meetings in Perspective. Let's say your repetitions select an e-mail or visit in Outlook, but the Salesforce documents your repetitions desire to observe don'capital t appear. Now your reps can search for specific Salesforce records directly in Perspective. This function is accessible in both Super Encounter and Salesforce Vintage. We desire to create a great impact for your repetitions when they sign in for the initial time. We've enhanced the stream and produced the procedure less difficult.

This function is obtainable in both Super Experience and Salesforce Vintage. Easily find Lightning for View directly on the bows in Outlook 2016. This feature is accessible in both Super Encounter and Salesforce Basic. If your business utilizes Salesforce Team or Expert editions, your sales reps can now take benefit of Super for Outlook benefits. This function is available in both Lightning Expertise and Salesforce Vintage.

Understand about various other things going on with Super for View. This feature is accessible in both Super Experience and Salesforce Basic.

Salesforce Plugin For Outlook 2016

. It's established! Windows 7 image file download. We today support making use of Salesforce App for Outlook with View for Macintosh 2016.

Maintain sales repetitions focused on the offering process when they create information like prospects, opportunities, cases, and actually custom objects-all from your repetitions' email applications. Established up and deal with global actions to assist your repetitions handle their product sales with simplicity. Track essential emails in Salesforce-even when using Trade 2013 on-premises!. If your company is fixed up to use, your sales groups can today take advantage of Salesforce App for View. Perform you keep in mind E-mail Connect? If not really, that's good!

Up to now, Email Connect had been the name of our item region that integrated Salesforce App for Perspective and Exchange Sync. While the name E-mail Connect goes aside, Salesforce App for Outlook and Trade Sync keep. After Salesforce disables TLS (Transportation Layer Safety) 1.0 encryption protocol, make certain that your browsers and operating systems are usually compatible with TLS 1.1 or later to carry on using Salesforce App for Outlook.